Frequently Asked Questions

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A sleep study is a complex neurophysiological recording conducted as part of an overall evaluation to look at what is happening during sleep. Many things are recorded including brain wave activity (EEG), muscle tone (EMG), heart rate (ECG), breathing patterns, oxygen levels, leg movements.

A: You will reach at the sleep care centre on the day and time of your appointment. You can come in your night suit.If you like we also offer night suit for you.
The technician on duty will hand over a form to fill up. It has demographic details as well as some life style questions. Please provide all details as required. In case you have any doubts, you can ask the technician.

A: No, the test is not at all painful. It is a safe test. No medication are administered for the sleep.

A: Yes, Most patients are able to sleep with the wires applied during the test. The wires and electrodes will not trouble you.

A: - Do not apply any oil or lotion on hair and skin on day of the test.
- Avoid tea/coffee/ caffeinated drinks post 6pm in the evening on the day of the test
- If finger nails have nail polish please remove the same.
- Avoid sleeping during the daytime on day of the test.
- If you are taking any medications please take your night doses on time.
- If you are on any medication which induces sleep inform the technician beforehand. They will let you know when to take the medication.

A: Yes, you may turn on your sides and sleep.

A: Yes, you can inform the technician when you want to use the washroom. They will remove the cable and reattach it once you have finished visiting the washroom.

A: Yes, you can read a book or work on your mobile. But do keep it short.

A: The sleep study centre provides pillows and blankets. However, you can bring your own set along with you.

A: The sleep studies are manually secured.The reports typically take about 3 days to be ready. You will receive a call from the office once the report is ready. You can collect them or we can send them by courier.

A: Once a sleep study has been performed, the data recorded needs to be analysed. This is very time consuming, as during an average sleep study up to 1000 pages of information are recorded, and these are looked at page by page to determine the type of sleep and number of events such as breathing problems that occur across the night.